This post describes how I created this blog website using a couple of hours.


The objective is to build a website using Hugo and Github Pages.


Follow the steps listed below:

  1. Create a Github account if you do not have one

  2. Create a Github Repository

Keep in mind, you can’t use user name and password to access Git Repo now. You have to use a token a SSH key for the sake of security.

  1. Go through Hugo’s Quickstart Guide

  2. Go though Hugo on Github

Make sure you delete public folder and add a .gitignore file.

  1. Set up Github Action workflow

Make sure you enable ’extended’ if your theme needs.

  1. Go through Github Pages, and Settings

  2. Profit

Now, you can use your favorite Editor, e.g Visual Code or Vim, to write blogs.


We learned and used the following concepts so far:

  • Markdown
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Repository
  • Github Pages
  • Github Actions
  • Hugo


Here are list of links I refered to make this happen:

  1. Markdown Guide
  2. Goldmark Mardown
  3. Hugo Quick Start
  4. Hugo on Github
  5. Github Pages
  6. GitHub Actions for Hugo
  7. GitHub Pages Action
  8. GitHub Actions
  9. GitHub Create a new repo