vSphere CSI Driver Illustrated

Objective To understand how vSphere CSI driver works and is being deployed. vSphere CSI Driver Architecture vSphere CSI Driver Deployment vSphere CSI Driver is a Kubernetes Deployment that includes multiple containers and runs on the control plane node. csi-snapshotter csi-snapshotter is the sidecar container that watches for VolumeSnapshotContent create/update/delete events. csi-snapshotter works with CSI snapshot controller together implement CSI snapshot function. See Description and Github for further details. csi-resizer csi-resizer is a sidecar container that watches the Kubernetes API server for PersistentVolumeClaim updates and triggers ControllerExpandVolume operation....

December 25, 2022 · 2 min · 357 words · Roy Yang

Security Concepts Illustrated

It will be helpful to understand modern software system like Kuberneteswith fundamental security concepts. For example, symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, public/private key, digital signature, certificate and signing. Objective Use diagram to illustrate critical security concepts used in modern software. Concepts Encryption Symmetric encryption uses same key for both encryption and decryption; while asymmetric encryption use different but mathematically relatedkeys for enryption and decryption. Symmetric Encyption can be illustrated in the following diagram: Asymmetric Encryption can be represented as follows: Message Digest A message digest is a fixed size numeric representation of the conents of a message, computed by a hash function....

August 21, 2022 · 2 min · 280 words · Roy Yang

Kubernetes Container Stack Illustrated

In Kubernetes 1.24, dockershim will be removed. What does it mean, let’s take a look the container stackbefore and after dockershim removal. Objective To walkthrough container stack on a Kubernetes node. Before 1.24 release Since 1.24 release Walk-through Using the opportunity, we can walkthrough the container stack and corresponding tooling on a Kubernetes node from top to bottom. apiserver apiserver sits on the Kubernetes master, validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers and others....

April 9, 2022 · 2 min · 418 words · Roy Yang

Productivity Tools

This post collects productivity tools used in my daily worklife. Documenting Excalidraw: Draw a diagram DokuWiki: a Wiki for yourself Programming Visual Studio Code: Code editor SourceGraph: Search the code in Github OpenGrok: Search any code, host your own git: Distributed version control system github.com: Well known code repository Review Board: Code review tool Gerrit Code Review: Another code review tool: Another code review tool Jenkins: CI/CD tools JIRA: an enterprise bug tracking system Bugzilla: an open source bug tracking system remark: A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool....

March 23, 2022 · 1 min · 97 words · Roy Yang

Hello, The Infra Guy

This post describes how I created this blog website using a couple of hours. Objective The objective is to build a website using Hugo and Github Pages. Steps Follow the steps listed below: Create a Github account if you do not have one Create a Github Repository Keep in mind, you can’t use user name and password to access Git Repo now. You have to use a token a SSH key for the sake of security....

March 19, 2022 · 1 min · 190 words · Roy Yang